Set the background colour of a table cell with CSS
Set the background colour of a table cell with CSS
This tutorial with guide you through how to set the background colour of a table cell using CSS
1. |
In your CSS file, type # followed by whatever you want to call the table cell. eg #table1back |
2. |
Now put in a { and type background-color:#000000; but replace 000000 with whichever colour you want to use and close with } |
3. |
Now we should have: #table1back {
background-color:#000000; } |
4. |
Now for your tables code in the <td> tag add id="tableback1" |
5. |
Now we have our CSS code and our table set up. This should be your complete code: Head Section or CSS File: #table1back { Table Code: <table> Example: