Text Reflection

This tutorial with guide you through how to make a reflection from text:

1. Open Photoshop and create a new document. I'm using 400x200
2. Select the text tool and select the font you want to use. I am using Querround which I downloaded from dafont.com
3. Type you text in black
4. Duplicate your text layer then right click it in the Layers panel and click Rasterize Type
5. Duplicate your text layer then right click it in the Layers panel and click Rasterize Type
6. Go to Edit » Transform » Flip Vertical
7. With the Move Tool (V) selected, hold down Shift key and drag the flipped text down so the bottom of each touch
8. Then with the Move Tool still selected, let go of Shift key and press the down arrow key once
9. Now go to Edit » Transform » Perspective
10. Select the bottom right corner and drag slightly to the right then press Enter to keep the changes
11. Ctrl + Click on the preview by the copied text layer to select the text area
12. Press the Delete key to clear the text, but don't deselect the area
13. Select the Gradient Tool and set it to Foreground to Transparent, or Foreground to Background if you are using a white background.
14. Drag a line from the top of the selection to the bottom of the selection while holding the Shift key. Holding the Shift key will keep the gradient a straight 90 degrees from the horizontal.
15. Then set the Opacity of the reflection layer to 50%
16. Then using the Free Transform Tool, Ctrl + T or Edit » Free Transform
17. Drag the bottom up a bit

Now you have a simple reflection. You can also add an innerglow to the reflection with the colour set to white and the Opacity set to 60% and Mode set to Screen.