Using Anchors on websites
Anchors allow you to specify a place on a page that you can link to, to move the page to that point without needing to scroll down. This is very handy on pages that are very long with a lot of content.
Back to Top links
Just below the <body> tag add this code:
<a name="top" id="top"></a>
This adds an anchor at the top of the page.
To create a link to the top of the page you need to use this code:
<a xhref="">Back to Top</a>
Page sections
You can also use anchors on main sections of your site.
Such as:
<a name="section 1" id="section1"></a>Section 1
To get to this section you need to add a link elsewhere on your page.
<a xhref="">Go to Section 1</a>
Anchor point on another page
You can also link to another section on a completely different page.
Add the anchor to the a page then in a different page add a link like this:
<a xhref="page5a.html#section1">Go to Section 1 on Page 5a</a>