proper gangster hoodies...init

Ok i don't know about everyone else but i've noticed kind of weird speech impediment in the youth of today that teachers and the like don't seem to be able to.. correct, i am talking about the init brigade..or proper g's... gangsters ( or so they think they are ) Now apart from not being gangsters at all in the slightest they have picked up a strange kind of lingo that has swept the nation. "got some good weed last night init "... now if you notice there is a word out of place in that sentence, the word init seems to be dropped in sententce's at the drop hat (probably fitted burbery) and proper as well.What do the teachers do in schools about this bad grammar???? or is it a new form of english for young proper shell suits ha ha . I mean could you see a proper gangster like al-capone in a nike shell suit waving him spliff ridden arm about bigging up the proper init style ?  i think not. I feel the short sharp shock of borstal would benefit the youth of today, that would sort them out, STICK THEM ON GARDENING DUTY I SAY. yours THE CORRECTOR


I think you should leave kids alone you jackass, they are just kids. Also dont you have something else to do besides critisize the youth. Why dont you go play bingo or something. You old coot.