Crysis Demo Fiasco
Well EA know how to screw with people don't they.
The long awaited demo for Crysis was set to be released today with no information saying otherwise.
Many are aware that the demo was due out on the 26th September but was held back a month, with no reason given. There were beta releases through EA and FilePlanet during that time, so they were either trying to get the game up to demo standard as they were still running behind or they wanted to squeeze money out of gamers by using hype to get them to sign up to FilePlanet.
But that was a month ago. EA announced that gamers would see the Crysis demo on the 26th October. It turns out that this was purely for those that pre-ordered the game through the EA Store. If you bought the game through the EA Store you get to play the demo 24 hours before everyone else. The price in the EA Store in the UK is £34.99.
This seems a bit pricey given the fact that most PC games retail for £34.99 in the high street. So I can only assume, the people that pre-ordered are paying for the demo and a small amount for the unlocked vehicle in the multiplayer. Does this mean that only people that pre-order the game through EA can go on servers that have a map with this vehicle on? Who knows....
As for the price of the game, it can be bought cheaper from elsewhere:
EA Store | £34.99 | Link | | £28.99 | Link |
Play | £26.99 | Link |
Amazon | £24.98 | Link |
CDWoW | £20.49 | Link |
Virgin | £27.00 | Link |
HMV | £24.99 | Link |
I am not sure how CDWoW are able to offer it so cheap, but after previous experience with their shipping, I would rather pay a little more elsewhere at Play or
The demo should be released worldwide and appear on good old GamersHell at some point mid-afternoon Saturday, although I wouldn't hold your breathe.
The full game is slated for release on the 14th November but that will not be definite until the demo feedback has come back clear.