Frontpage Slideshow for Drupal
I have begun coding a module to allow the Frontpage Slideshow to be displayed within a block or a panel.
Frontpage slideshow is a script by Joomlaworks.
The module requires that the script is purchased from Joomlaworks as it contains important files for it to work.
The module which is currently in development can be found at
The code is still in an early stage but is working and usable, but I would recommend not using it on a production site.
There are a few issues with the module at the moment.
- Module depends on jquery_update
- Module uses the upload module to upload the image for the slide, but this allows any file to be uploaded, so requires some further work.
How does it work
The module adds in 2 new node types (slide, slideshow). Each slideshow node creates a new block which can be used anywhere in your site.
Slides are then assigned to a slideshow. The slideshow node contains most of the important settings such as dimensions and timings but as well as this there is an admin settings page which controls the default settings across the whole site such as the language of the text and the javascript engine.
I have developed the module purely with jQuery in mind. Mootools may work, but is likely to be unstable and buggy.
Where can I download this module?
Go to and download it from the right hand side. If you find any issues with the module please do so by leaving an issue on the Google Code site.
Useful Drupal Module Development Book
Pro Drupal Development is a very good book published by Apress. The new second edition covers Drupal 6.