Blog posts

Adding color module support to your theme in Drupal 7

I have been playing about with creating my own base theme which I can use to easily roll out new sites quickly and easily for those who don't want to pay for a bespoke design.

The main problem with this is ending up with one theme for all, to get around this with out having to do any development work is use Drupal's core colour module which allows the user to select the colours of certain areas.

This will just show you the basic code that is required for use with a theme using the PHPTempalte engine with some comments on what the code is doing at parts.

Sorry but I will be using the English spelling, too used to typing with the 'u'.

Creating custom pane styles in Drupal 6

In Panels you can change the style of panes very easily using some presets from the Panels module.


This tutorial will show you how to define your own styles as well as add a settings form to it so you can allow users to further configure the styling of the pane.


Creating your own personal bookmark site like Delicious in Drupal 7

This guide will show you how to make a bookmarking site similar to Delicious where you can add a URL with an optional description and tags which can then be searched on using the internal search or browse using tags.

Creating a comma separated list of taxonomy terms for a node

The following code snippet will provide a comma separated list of taxonomy terms for a given node.

New website to sell your house through from just £395 rather than 1.5%

A new way to sell your house has just come up called

They provide the same service as any other high street agent but only charge a small, one-off flat fee of £395 +VAT rather than 1.5% of the sale price which based on the average house price in the UK of £170,000 is over £2,000!!

Use panels to override the node output in Drupal 7

When creating an image gallery in Drupal using CCK/Fields the resulting output is just a string of divs resulting in a single column of images. This tutorial will show you how to use Views and Panels to override the standard node output to display the images of the gallery in a grid.


Google Chrome profiles

Google have updated Chrome dev (15.0.849.0 dev-m) to re-enable one of the dev features that was taken out which is the Profile switcher located at the top left of the window.

Create an album based image gallery in Drupal 7 using fields and views

This is a follow up tutorial on the popular Create an album based image gallery in Drupal 6 using CCK and views but for Drupal 7. The tutorial will assume that you have Drupal 7 already installed and ready for use. The following contrib modules are required:

I personally prefer Colorbox to some of the other lightbox modules, but feel free to use whichever one you want, they should all work in the same way. An alternative can be found in Shadowbox. Lightbox2 doesn't have a D7 release at the time of writing and Thickbox has been discontinued, with the maintainer now working on Colorbox.

Getting a random Wikipedia article using PHP + cURL

The following code gets a completely random page from Wikipedia and returns some HTML code with a link to the article. Visiting in your browser will automatically redirect to a random article and the code takes in to account the redirect and gives you the information on the last page in the redirect.

Creating markers with info windows using Google Maps Javascript API v3

Not too much has changed from V2 to V3, but one major frustration was when using the 'click' event on a marker to open an info window, it didn't close when clicking another marker like it did on V2, as such you could potentially have a screen filled with lots of info windows.
