Zend: addDisplayGroup() - Setting the legend
Original Code:
$nok = $this->addDisplayGroup(array('nok_forename', 'nok_surname', 'nok_day', 'nok_month', 'nok_year', 'nok_address1', 'nok_address2', 'nok_town', 'nok_county', 'nok_postcode', 'nok_country'), 'nextofkin');
I then set about trying to get a legend on the fieldset that was created. My first thought was:
$nok->setLegend('Next of Kin');
But on second thoughts that would never work. I then remembered that the third variable is normally options passed in an array. So...
$nok = $this->addDisplayGroup(array('nok_forename', 'nok_surname', 'nok_day', 'nok_month', 'nok_year', 'nok_address1', 'nok_address2', 'nok_town', 'nok_county', 'nok_postcode', 'nok_country'), 'nextofkin', array('legend' =>'Next of Kin'));
This works. :)
Fri, 2011-02-11 09:14
Thanks for this little
Thanks for this little snippet.