[FPSS] Front Page Slideshow for Drupal Update
I have updated my Front Page Slideshow for Drupal module with some new features and some fixes.
New Features:
- Change language text within Drupal
Within the admin screen of FPSS you can now add the language text for the slideshow within Drupal which is stored in variables. By default the module has the English text in. If you want the French text, then you will have to open up the french.php file and copy paste each item in to the form and save it. - Change javascript location
Within the admin screen as well as being able to turn off the javascript library and optimize the javascript you can now selected if you want the javascript to be inserted in to the footer of the page rather than the header. This is tested and works on a default Drupal installation of 5.12.
- Optimize JS and Disable JS both work as expected now and any configuration of the 2 settings should work, although some javascript packages may conflict causing problems.
- Fixed the admin settings access, missing array item in hook_perm.
You can download the fpss for drupal module at the Google Code site and you can view the demo of the Front Page Slideshow for Drupal demo at http://drupal.jamestombs.co.uk.
If you have any problems or find any bugs please submit them on the FPSS for Drupal Issue Queue on the Google Code site. Alternatively leave a comment to this post or email at jtombs1987@gmail.com.
Donny Vásquez
Wed, 2009-05-13 17:42
Hello men, How are
Hello men,
How are you?
I've installed fpss, but don't shows the slides, i create an slideshow, and tow or more slides, i'd select the slideshow node witin shows the slides but noting ocurr. Wath can i do?
Wed, 2009-05-13 17:53
I no longer maintain this
I no longer maintain this module. You can find an upto date version and get more support at http://drupal.org/project/fpss